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Q: How do you find third point of line out of 2 points?
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What are the three points for coplanar but not collinear?

Two points (which must lie on a line) and the third point NOT on that line.

What is a point that does not lie on the same line?

Since it is possible to draw a line through any two points, if there is a point that does not lie on the same line, it must be a third point.

How do you prove the 3 points are colinear?

To prove that three points are colinear, pick two points and form the equation of the line they describe, and then see if the third point lies on that line.

How many rays are in a line that has 3 points?

Actually Its One Because A Ray Is A Line That Goes On Forever . So, Therefore If There Is 3 Points, The Third Point Is The Ray. :)

Does collinear have three points?

Collinear means in the same straight line. And since a line consists of an infinite number of points, collinear has an infinite number of points - not just 3. n the other hand, while any two points must be collinear (they have to both be on the line that joins them), it is always possible to find a third point which is not collinear with the first two (Euclid).

How do you find out the center of enlargment in maths?

Join any pointof the image(a vertex is ideal) to the corresponding point of the pre-image by a straight line. Repeat for another point. These two lines will intersect at the centre of enlargement. As a check, repeat for a third pair of points: if the third line does not go through the point of intersection of the first two, you have made a mistake.

How can you find the line of reflection if you know the images of some points?

Draw a line joining a point and its image and find its midpoint. Repeat for another pair of point and its image. The line joining these midpoints is the line of reflection.

Is a line and point collinear?

If the point is not on the line, then no they are not collinear. But if that point is on the line, then they are collinear. Points on the same line are collinear. Points not on the same line are not collinear or non collinear.

When are two points collinear?

Collinear means they are on the same line. Of course we can draw a line through any two points so they can be collinear. However, if we have a line, we can easily find another point on that line and a point not on the line. Only the one on the line is called collinear.

Can three points determined a plane?

Yes, three points determine a plane unless they are in a straight line. A plane is two dimensions a line is only one. You need a third point(not in the line) to define a plane.

Three what points determine a plane?

Any three points will determine a plane, provided they are not collinear. If you pick any two points, you can draw a line to connect them. An infinite number of planes can be drawn that include the line. But if you pick a third point that does not lie on the line. There will be exactly one plane that will contain the line and that point you added last. Only oneplane can contain the line, which was determined by the first two points, and the last point.

The number of points on a line?

There are infinitely many points on a line, as a line extends endlessly in both directions. Each point on a line can be uniquely identified by its position on the line using the coordinates of the point.