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Yes, three points determine a plane unless they are in a straight line.

A plane is two dimensions a line is only one.

You need a third point(not in the line) to define a plane.

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yes, a triangle lol

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Q: Can three points determined a plane?
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Which of these is determined by three points that are not on the same line?


Which of these is determined by three points that are not the same line?

A plane.

What has width and length and can be determined by three points?

A plane.

How many points are needed to determine a unique plane?

A plane can be determined by three points, as long as the three points do not lie along a single line.

What has infinite width and length and can be determined by three points?

A plane.

Infinite width and length and can be determined by three points?

The shape described is a plane, which is a two-dimensional surface that extends infinitely in both width and length. In geometry, a plane can be uniquely determined by any three non-collinear points on the plane. This is known as the "three-point" or "unique determination" property of a plane. The three points define the plane's orientation and position in three-dimensional space.

How many planes are determined by three non-collinear points?

Just one plane.

How many different planes are determined by three noncollinear points?

3 non-collinear points define one plane.

How many different lines are determined by 3 non collinear points?

Any three non-collinear points will define a single plane. A plane is composed of an infinite number of distinct lines.

What do three points form in geometry?

A plane is named by three points in the plane that is not on the same line.

How many points make a plane?

It takes three points to make a plane. The points need to be non-co-linear. These three points define a distinct plane, but the plane can be made up of an infinite set of points.

Three what points determine a plane?

Any three points will determine a plane, provided they are not collinear. If you pick any two points, you can draw a line to connect them. An infinite number of planes can be drawn that include the line. But if you pick a third point that does not lie on the line. There will be exactly one plane that will contain the line and that point you added last. Only oneplane can contain the line, which was determined by the first two points, and the last point.