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If you know the time, t, taken for N (complete) oscillations then the period, P, is P = t/N

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Q: How do you find time period of pendulum if oscillations and time taken for it is given?
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Which instrument can be used to measure the time taken for the pendulum to make 20 oscillations?

A stopwatch or a timer can be used to measure the time taken for the pendulum to make 20 oscillations. Start the timer when the pendulum starts swinging and stop it when it completes 20 oscillations to determine the time elapsed.

What is the frequency of oscillation of a simple pendulum which makes 50 oscillations in 24.4 seconds?

The period of oscillation is the time taken for one complete oscillation. The frequency of oscillation, f, is the reciprocal of the period: f = 1 / T, where T is the period. In this case, the period T = 24.4 seconds / 50 oscillations = 0.488 seconds. Therefore, the frequency of oscillation is f = 1 / 0.488 seconds ≈ 2.05 Hz.

Time period of simple pendulum is three seconds the same pendulum taken at the moon - what will be its new time period?

This pendulum, which is 2.24m in length, would have a period of 7.36 seconds on the moon.

What does the time taken for a simple pendulum to swing to and fro in one cycle call?

The time taken for a simple pendulum to swing to and fro in one cycle is called the period of the pendulum.

A pendulum has a length L and time period T for completing one oscillation.?

The time period T of a pendulum is given by T = 2π√(L/g), where g is the acceleration due to gravity. It is the time taken for the pendulum to complete one full oscillation. The length of the pendulum, L, affects the time period - longer pendulums have longer time periods.

Does amplitude effect the period of a pendulum?

No, the amplitude of a pendulum (the maximum angle it swings from the vertical) does not affect the period (time taken to complete one full swing) of the pendulum. The period of a pendulum depends only on its length and the acceleration due to gravity.

How would you determine the value of gravity using a pendulum?

The value of gravity can be determined using a pendulum by measuring the period of oscillation of the pendulum and using the formula: g = 4π²L / T² where g is the acceleration due to gravity, L is the length of the pendulum, and T is the period of oscillation. By measuring the period and length of the pendulum, you can calculate the value of gravity.

Does the distance a pendulum travels decrease with each arc?

if by arc you mean the "Period" of the pendulum then yes, it does: with each revolution the period of the pendulum (the time taken to swing back and forth once) does decrease.

What happen to the energy of compound pendulum when it is oscillating?

when oscillations taken energy of pendulum dissipates

Will a pendulum time period increase or decrease when taken to the top of the mountain?

The time period of a pendulum will increase when taken to the top of a mountain. This is because the acceleration due to gravity decreases at higher altitudes, resulting in a longer time for the pendulum to complete each oscillation.

The time for a complete to-and-fro swing of a pendulum is called its frequency?

Actually, the time for a complete to-and-fro swing of a pendulum is called its period, which is the time taken to complete one full cycle of motion. The frequency of a pendulum is the number of cycles it completes in a given time, usually measured in hertz (cycles per second).

Is a pendulum's time period increases or decreases when it taken from earth to moon?
