Click shift and mode clr then click 3 and then click equal
you divide 5 by 6 on a calculator, and then copy what the calculator says and the answer is 0.83333 recurring
root of 0.01 is 0.1 says calculator
My calculator says 125/2.
My Windows calculator says it's 0.59081795
I can't say for all calculators, but on my TI calculator, it is the number of digits after the decimal place: type 2.0 enter fix 5 and 2.00000 appears.
How to fix ram, or temporary memory, that says no memory?
Pull the Batteries Out...
it is 104 says my calculator
My calculator says 29.
My calculator says: 23.5372 ...
my calculator says "OVERFLOW".
you divide 5 by 6 on a calculator, and then copy what the calculator says and the answer is 0.83333 recurring
There are many issues that you may be having with the calculator. You can call Texas Instruments Customer Support at 1-800-842-2737 for general questions regarding your calculator.
my calculator says 2.43501186E58. how can that be right?
Windows calculator says 364560.
My calculator says 249.75...