I can't say for all calculators, but on my TI calculator, it is the number of digits after the decimal place:
type 2.0 enter fix 5 and 2.00000 appears.
Input is when you type with the calculator
There are many issues that you may be having with the calculator. You can call Texas Instruments Customer Support at 1-800-842-2737 for general questions regarding your calculator.
It means Error. If you try to divide a number by 0 it should give you the E. Also if you try to multiply numbers that will give a larger number than the calculator allows. I believe exponential calculators fix this by giving you a exponential answer.
What does 4e-6 mean
Pull the Batteries Out...
Input is when you type with the calculator
There are many issues that you may be having with the calculator. You can call Texas Instruments Customer Support at 1-800-842-2737 for general questions regarding your calculator.
buy a new caulculator they just cost 1 dollar, but to fix it 20 dolars
It means Error. If you try to divide a number by 0 it should give you the E. Also if you try to multiply numbers that will give a larger number than the calculator allows. I believe exponential calculators fix this by giving you a exponential answer.
Click shift and mode clr then click 3 and then click equal
yes you mean calculator. yes a calculator is there in the computer.
It depends on wat you mean by fix. If its hacked then I have no idea.But what do you mean by fix? If you mean cure Pokemon, take them to a Pokemon centre. If you mean the above "fix", look it up
A "fix" is trouble.
What does 4e-6 mean