

Best Answer

Two ways to do it. In this particular problem, it's a matter of opinion

which one is easier and which one is harder.

Way #1:

Convert dBm to watts, multiply by gains, convert output watts to dBm.

+20 dBm = 0.1 watt.

Output power = (0.1 watt) x (ap1) x (ap2) x (ap3) = 0.1 x 10 x 4 x 23 = 92 watts = +49.64 dBm

Way #2:

Convert each gain ratio to dB, then add all dB to input power.

ap1 = 10 = 10 dB

ap2 = 4 = 6.02 dB

ap3 = 23 = 13.62 dB

+20 dBm + 10dB + 6.02 dB + 13.62 dB = +49.64 dBm

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Q: How do you get power output with a given power input of 20dbm and three power gain which is Ap1 equals 10 ap2 equals 4 ap3 equals 23?
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