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Amputate your leg.

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Q: How do you get rid of warts on leg in less than two weeks?
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How is Justin Bieber's leg?

well it is about to be taken off in less than 4 weeks so i guess he doing fine

Can hpv be on your leg?

Yes, you can have warts on your legs. Warts on the knees are common in children.

How long out of work with a broken leg?

Usually six weeks. Depends on the injury. It could be longer but probably not less.

Is Justin Bieber's leg about to come off in less then four weeks?

no ovesly i whish he could come to my party on monday <3333333333333333333

In what way was Matthew weeks crippled?

Matthew Weeks had a crippled leg.

Had hip replacement surgery and now your one leg longer than the other can I sue?

It is perfectly normal to have 'some' leg length discrepancy (inch or less). More than this and it may be worth invesitgating.

Why when the cast comes off your leg is often much thinner than it was?

You have not ised the muscles while your leg was in the cast, so naturally it shrinks. Its called atrophy, but it should come back after a few weeks.

What is the difference between your leg and your stomach muscles?

Leg muscles tend to be longer and less dense or compact than abdominal muscles. Leg muscles are also, of course, found on your legs. Abdominal muscles are shorter and more compact than leg muscles and are found on your torso, below the breasts down to the groin.

What is lower leg and upper leg?

The lower leg refers to the part of the leg below the knee, which includes the calf and shin. The upper leg refers to the part of the leg above the knee, which includes the thigh.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on the back of your leg?

Yes, tattoos hurt no matter what area of the body they are on. Some areas hurt less than others, but an area that is very painful to one person may be mild to someone else. The back of the leg will typically hurt less than the front, since the front is closer to bone. Fleshier areas hurt less than when working on bone.

Why is the longer leg longer than the shorter leg if the shorter leg is longer than the longer leg?

Because if the shorter leg was shorter than the longer leg was long, then the longer leg wouldn't be longer than the shorter leg is short. The short leg would be the longer one rather than the long one being the short one.

Is it normal to have numbness in left leg at 12 weeks pregnant?

I am not sure but I am 12 weeks 2 days and I get numb at the top of my right leg when I am trying to sleep it is quite annoying!