On your calculator, there should be a Tan button.
Hit that, then type in 81.
Voila! Tan81 = 6.313751515 (As far as my calculator shows.)
Tangent of 30 degrees is 0.5770.577
The inverse tangent is 0.83448691252602 degrees.
The tangent of 34 degrees is irrational and so cannot be written in fraction form.
The inverse tangent, denoted as arctan or tan^(-1), of 1.4737 is approximately 56.05 degrees when measured in degrees or approximately 0.980 radians when measured in radians. This value represents the angle whose tangent is 1.4737. In trigonometry, the inverse tangent function helps determine the angle when the tangent ratio is known.
the tangent of 60 degrees is 1.7321
The tangent of 75 degrees is: 3.7320507852401
The tangent of 89 degrees is: 57.3
Tangent of 30 degrees is 0.5770.577
Tangent is 0.5317
The question seems to be incomplete!
Tangent = 0.5
The tangent of 0.47 radians is about 0.508. The tangent of 0.47 degrees is about 0.00820.
The inverse tangent is 0.83448691252602 degrees.
31 degrees
45 degrees
Tangent(62 degrees) = 1.88073 (rounded) Tangent(62 radians) = -1.09751 (rounded)