One hundredth of a second is a unit of time equal to 0.01 seconds, or one one-hundredth of a second. It is commonly used in measuring very short time intervals, such as in sports timing or scientific experiments requiring precise timing. This unit is denoted by the symbol "cs" in the International System of Units (SI).
It refers to the time of day. 01:30 or 13:30
You can write it 2 ways in 12 hour ime and in 24 hour time 12 hour: 01:01 pm 24 hour: 1301
The difference in distance or time of first to second place, plus a centimeter or .01 seconds, or clearing the next height.
Michael phelps one by .01 seconds or about 2 centemeters in distance
At that point, the time will be 01:01:01 on 01/01/01.
Distance: 470.69 miles - Time: 8:01 h
Distance: 1,032 miles / 1,660.84 kilometers - Time: ~17:01 h
Driving distance: 106.45 miles / 171.32 kilometers - Time: ~2:01 h
WWE Velocity - 2002 2006-01-21 was released on: USA: 21 January 2006
WWE Velocity - 2002 2006-01-28 was released on: USA: 28 January 2006
WWE Velocity - 2002 2006-04-01 was released on: USA: 1 April 2006
WWE Velocity - 2002 2006-01-14 was released on: USA: 14 January 2006
Distance: 184.81 miles / 297.42 kilometers - Time: ~3:01 h
As long there is any time left, even .01 seconds, on the clock and the ball has already left your hands the basket will count.