To find out the percent you need to cross multiply, example: 10/19. Times the correct answers by 100, then divide that number by the total amount of questions=52.63%
16/19 = 0.8421, or 84.21%. If this was one of the assignment questions, then that is the formula, but if this were an assignment grade or a test grade, then your grade is an 84% for that particular assessment. Hope this helped.
The grade is 63.
On a calculator you do 19 divided by 25 to get you percent and then you can figure out your letter grade. 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 0-59 F
17/19 = 89% = B+
63% or D
16/19 = 0.8421, or 84.21%. If this was one of the assignment questions, then that is the formula, but if this were an assignment grade or a test grade, then your grade is an 84% for that particular assessment. Hope this helped.
The grade is 63.
Im scared what do i do
On a calculator you do 19 divided by 25 to get you percent and then you can figure out your letter grade. 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 0-59 F
17/19 = 89% = B+
52 questions for 7th grade math
63% or D
You scored 47.6% on that test. We have no way of knowing what grade the teacher will give for that score. But if it were up to us . . .
When you get 19 out of 30 questions right in the sixth grade," that means that you need to get you grade or score up to @ least 27-28 out of 30 correct." If you have any other questions, please email me at :
what is your grade percentage if you miss 6 questions out of 40
If you got 20 problems wrong on a 75 question test your grade would be 73% or a C. You can find that by subtracting the amount of questions you got wrong from the amount you got right, 55 in this case. Divide the amount of correct questions by the amount of questions on the test to get .733333. That is the grade.