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On a calculator you do 19 divided by 25 to get you percent and then you can figure out your letter grade. 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 0-59 F

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Q: How do you calculate a test that has 25 questions and missed 19 questions?
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Which is true a missing question or a missed question?

Either of those could be used, depending upon what you are trying to say. For example, you have a test that is supposed to contain 20 questions but it actually has only 19 questions; there is a missing question. You take a test and answer every question correctly except for one; you have a missed question.

What percentage is 19 missed on a 75 question test?

If you missed 19, that means you got 56 correct (75 - 19 = 56) 59/75 = 0.7466666667, or approximately 75%

19 after intercourse and a missed period should you take a pregnancy test?

19 years old, sexually active - at least once - and have missed a period? Yes, you should take a pregnancy test. Or see a medical professional.

What is your percentage if you missed 19 questions out of 80 questions?

It's about 75% correct, 25% missed.Divide 80 into 19, multiply by 100 and add the percent sign. You do the math.

How many different test can be made from a test bank of 20 questions if the test consist of 5 questions?

20C5 = 20*19*18*17*16/(5*4*3*2*1) = 15504

If you do a pregnancy test 2 days after the sperm went up you does the pregnancy test work?

No....u need to wait at least 19 days to do a home pregnancy test or at least until your missed period

How many questions does an AR test have?

10 questions normally for books with 19 and under points 20 questions for books worth 20 and over points!

How many questions can you miss on a 66 question test to get a 70 percent?

No more than 19. You can do it!

How do you grade a test of 19 questions?

To find out the percent you need to cross multiply, example: 10/19. Times the correct answers by 100, then divide that number by the total amount of questions=52.63%

What will give you a 75 percent score on a 25 question test?

You must get 19 questions right on a 25 question test to earn a score of 75%

Test has 26 questions how much to get a 70 percent?

You need to answer at least 19 questions correctly to score 70% or higher. Answering 18 correct will get you close (69.23%).

What is 75 percent of 19 questions?

75% of 19 questions = 19*75/100 = 14.25 But that begs the question as to what a quarter of a question is.