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You find the slope by using 2 points and doing y2-y1/x2-x1

Then you put it into the equation and plug in any point as x or y and find b. Then, you plug in x and y values and graph them.

What is written above is correct, but does not answer the question. The method provided above is only valid för functions of the form: f(x) = kx + m

However when dealing with polynomials such as x^3, where the slope is under constant change, the slope is calculated using a different method.

lim h-->0 (f(x+h) - f(x))/h

Simplification is needed for, for example the calculation of the slope of x^3 at any given point for x. Try it out yourself. The answer is 3x^2. Generally: if f(x)=x^n then f´(x)=nx^(n-1)

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Q: How do you graph the slope of a given function?
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