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We use Mohs scale of mineral hardness to access the hardness of minerals, which calcite is one example.

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Q: How do you identify the property of a mineral but what does it mean where we say calcite has a hardness?
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What color of streak is marble?

Marble, being composed almost entirely of the mineral calcite, would have a white streak. The same colour as calcite's streak.

What are the 7 properties mineralogist use to identify ninerals?

Colour - however, this can be a very misleading property. Transparency - Is the crystal transparent, translucent or opaque Lustre - how shiney is the crystal is, there are various different types of lustre. Hardness - Expressed in a number between 0 and 10 on the Moh scale. Streak - the colour of the mineral in powdered form. Easily testable by scratching the mineral on a porcelain plate. Cleavage - Very characteristic to a mineral is what the preferred cleavage is. Mode of occurrence - Is it like needles, fibre, tabular, prismatic, etc.

What is the difference between a scratch test and a streak test?

a streak test is a test wheree you rub a mineral across a streak plate to see the color of its streak, which is a better indentifying factor of the mineral than the external color. A scratch test is when you scratch a mineral to find out its hardness on the Mohs Scale of Hardness. This is also another useful identifying factor

How is the value of a crystaline rock determined?

By levels of hardness, wear, scarcity, clarity and color, and association with other minerals. Also the habit of the mineral.

Which is the hardest mineral?

Diamond is the hardest mineral at Mohs hardness 10, ten being the hardest. There is no natural mineral substitute for processes requiring diamond. Diamond is four times as hard as corundum, the mineral constituting rubies and sapphires. Although diamond is the hardest naturally occurring mineral, it is easily fractured, a characteristic which allowed early jewellery makers to facet this crystal.

Related questions

Does the Mohs scale help scientists identify the crystal shape of a mineral?

The Mohs scale is a measure of hardness, not crystal shape. Crystal shape is determined by the internal arrangement of atoms in a mineral and is usually identified using X-ray crystallography or microscopy techniques.

What is the most reliable physical property that can be used to identify a mineral?

The most reliable physical property to identify a mineral is its chemical composition. This is because each mineral has a unique combination of elements that make up its structure, which can be determined through chemical testing. Additionally, properties like hardness, cleavage, and specific gravity can also aid in identifying minerals.

What mineral is harder than gypsum but softer than flourite?

Calcite is a mineral that is harder than gypsum but softer than fluorite on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. Calcite has a hardness of 3, while gypsum has a hardness of 2 and fluorite has a hardness of 4.

What will scratch calcite?

Calcite is a relatively soft mineral, so it can be easily scratched by harder materials such as steel, quartz, or topaz. Therefore, these materials would scratch calcite.

Which object can scratch calcite but not apatite?

A steel nail is an object that can scratch calcite but not apatite. Calcite has a hardness of 3 on the Mohs scale while apatite has a hardness of 5, making apatite harder than calcite.

What mineral has a hardness of 2.5-3?

Calcite is a mineral that is white or colorless and has a hardness of 2.5 and splits with cubic cleavage.

Is fluorite harder than calcite?

Yes, fluorite is harder than calcite. Fluorite has a hardness of 4 on the Mohs scale, while calcite has a hardness of 3. This means that fluorite can scratch calcite, but calcite cannot scratch fluorite.

What is the mineral hardness of marble?

Marble isn't a mineral, but it is made out of around 100% calcite, which is typically 2.5 - 3 on Moh's hardness scale.

If a mineral scratches calcite but is scratched by apatite what is the minerals hardness?

Somewhere between 3 and 5 on the Mohs scale of relative mineral hardness...

Which mineral property is better for identifying a mineral Magnetism or hardness?

Hardness is a more reliable property for identifying minerals because it is a physical characteristic that does not change with external factors. Magnetism, on the other hand, can be influenced by the presence of other magnetic materials in the environment, making it less consistent for mineral identification.

Is calcite a soft mineral?

Yes, calcite is a relatively soft mineral with a Mohs hardness of 3, which means it can be easily scratched by harder minerals.

What does the property of mineral hardness measure?

Mineral hardness measures the resistance of a mineral to scratching or abrasion. It is determined by the ability of a mineral to scratch another mineral or be scratched by it, as defined by the Mohs scale of hardness.