if the problem you are asking is :
∫1-e3tdt then this is how it is done: u-substitution
set u=3t then du/dt=3 and du=3dt and 1/3du=dt then, you end up with:
1/3∫1-eudu after you substittute back in, and then you integrate, so you get 1/3(t-e3t/3)+C and your final answer is {1/3(t)-1/9(e3t)}+C
You integrate each element of the matrix.
to integrate something means to put two things together to make a new one
In calculus, "to integrate" means to find the indefinite integrals of a particular function with respect to a certain variable using an operation called "integration". Synonyms for indefinite integrals are "primitives" and "antiderivatives". To integrate a function is the opposite of differentiating a function.
To integrate a function you find what the function you have is the derivative of. for example the derivative of x^2 is 2x. so the integral of 2x is x^2.
This person just asked me to integrate the word integrate into a sentence.
You integrate each element of the matrix.
I will fully integrate the new students in my class by Friday. We should integrate the screws, with the nuts.
to integrate = sheelev (שילב)
The noun forms of the verb to integrate are integrationand the gerund, integrating.
Jane wanted to integrate herself into the scene. Michael used his fun loving personality to integrate himself with his new classmates.
She was able to integrate her love for art with her passion for science by creating beautiful illustrations of complex scientific concepts.
Segregate,or if integrate is being used in a mathematical sense,differentiate
The best program I've found is Mathmatica. It's fairly easy to integrate a function on that program. Also, TI-89 will integrate functions.
You can integrate 1/2 and 1/2 and it will make a whole.
-ion. Drop the e, and integrate becomes integration.
"In the 1960's, many school districts began to integrate public schools." "The city plans to integrate their bus lines and streetcars into a single system." "Printed circuits can integrate many electronic functions into a single board."