To integrate a function you find what the function you have is the derivative of. for example the derivative of x^2 is 2x. so the integral of 2x is x^2.
You integrate each element of the matrix.
I assume you mean ex ? If so, by definition: ∫ex dx = ex + C Most calculus textbooks have a table of integrals which will list the integrals of other common forms of exponential & logarithmic functions.
to integrate something means to put two things together to make a new one^2) The solution lists an "imaginary error function". This means that the integral can NOT be expressed as a finite number of the so-called elementary functions (that is, as any combination of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions, exponential function, natural logarithm). The site mentioned also shows a series expansion.
In calculus, "to integrate" means to find the indefinite integrals of a particular function with respect to a certain variable using an operation called "integration". Synonyms for indefinite integrals are "primitives" and "antiderivatives". To integrate a function is the opposite of differentiating a function.
The best program I've found is Mathmatica. It's fairly easy to integrate a function on that program. Also, TI-89 will integrate functions.
If it's in .dll form, you can integrate the .dll using the functions stated in the Game Maker Documentation.
"In the 1960's, many school districts began to integrate public schools." "The city plans to integrate their bus lines and streetcars into a single system." "Printed circuits can integrate many electronic functions into a single board."
No, the nervous tissue is actually what coordinates regulates and integrates body functions.
It is difficult to say what the first company was to integrate marketing into their engine, but it seems to be Yahoo. They integrated advertising and targeted marketing into their functions.
You have to integrate. There is usually no easy shortcut, except for some very simple functions. When finding the area between to functions subtract the bottom function from the bottom function. Then integrate that from the starting to ending points. (If the functions switch which is on top and which is on the bottom over the interval you're integrating over, you'll have to split the problem into smaller problems around that point and add the areas together.)
Because MULTICS is the first OS to integrate security into its core functions
If trigonometric functions are in the integrand (the terms inside the integral), then knowing the relationship between the different trig functions, can allow you to rewrite the terms in an equivalent format, but is much easier to integrate.
Because MULTICS is the first OS to integrate security into its core functions
Because MULTICS is the first OS to integrate security into its core functions
This person just asked me to integrate the word integrate into a sentence.
You integrate each element of the matrix.