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Q: How do you interpret a scatter plot based on the shape of the distribution and draw a line of best fit?
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Scatter mixed birdseed on the ground in the yard into a square-shape.

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It is not negative. it is positively skewed, and it approaches a normal distribution as the degrees of freedom increase. Its shape is NEVER based on the sample size.

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the normal distribution is a bell shape and expeonential is rectangular

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A skewed bell shape.

What describes the shape of a distribution which is approximately normal?

A "bell" shape.

How do you attract a chipping sparrow?

Scatter mixed birdseed on the ground in the yard into a square-shape.

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The distribution of the sample mean is bell-shaped or is a normal distribution.

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The standard normal distribution or the Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and variance 1.

What is observed in a scatter-plot that has an inverse relationship between x and y?

A right hyperbola shape.

A distribution with a shape that is symmetrical around the mean with a bell shape is described as?

The distribution described is a normal distribution. It is characterized by a symmetric bell-shaped curve where the mean, median, and mode are all equal and located at the center of the distribution.

What is the shape of each distribution in a data set?

The distributions can have any shape that you like.

The shape of the F distribution is?

skewed right.