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the normal distribution is a bell shape and expeonential is rectangular

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Q: How does the shape of the normal distribution differ from the shapes of the uniform and exponential distributions?
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How does logistic model of population growth differ from exponential model?

follow the society of light

How does a discrete probability distribution differ from a continuous probability distribution?

A discrete probability distribution is defined over a set value (such as a value of 1 or 2 or 3, etc). A continuous probability distribution is defined over an infinite number of points (such as all values between 1 and 3, inclusive).

IF two variables that have the same mean and standard deviation have the same distribution?

No, a distribution can have infinitely many moments: the first is the mean, the second variance. Then there are skewness (3), kurtosis (4), hyperskewness (5), hyperflatness (6) and so on.If mk represents the kth moment, thenmk = E[(X - m1)k] where E is the expected value.It is, therefore, perfectly possible for m1 and m2 to be the same but for the distribution to differ at the higher moments.

How does a graph with no trends differ from a graph with anomalous data points?

it differs becaus eit shows differ amount of data and it gives a differ piont of point of numbers

Paul wants to compare whether the prices of tangerines in two supermarkets differ significantly. He has been noting down the daily prices for the last few days and has found the difference in the samp?

part 2 means to be 20 cents. If the standard deviation of the distribution of the difference between sample means is 28 cents and we are testing the null hypothesis at the 95% confidence level, which statement is true?

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Cubic Growth is x^a, a being some constant, while exponential growth is a^x. Exponential growth ends up growing MUCH faster than cubic growth.

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The standard normal distribution has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

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There are so many different ways they can differ I can't really cover them all. Virtually anything in Linux distributions can be replaced. Even the kernel can be swapped out with alternate builds. Usually, the most common changes are the default desktop and desktop applications for desktop distributions.

How does a heterogeneous mixture differ than a homogeneous mixture?

Its non uniform.

How does an exponential function differ from a power function graphically?

An exponential function of the form a^x eventually becomes greater than the similar power function x^a where a is some constant greater than 1.

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Linux differs from traditional operating system primarily in the fact that most distributions are available free of cost.

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Every function differs from every other function. Otherwise they would not be different functions!

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Which state has not adopted the uniform commercial code?

Louisiana has not adopted the Uniform Commercial Code in its entirety. Instead, Louisiana has its own version of commercial laws that differ from the UCC.

How do the level of product distribution differ?

The level of product distribution can differ based on factors such as the number of intermediaries involved, the geographical reach of distribution, and the intensity of distribution channels used. For example, a product with intensive distribution will be available at many outlets, while a product with exclusive distribution will be available at limited outlets. Ultimately, the level of distribution selected depends on factors like the target market, product characteristics, and marketing objectives.