you can't do it your self you need a big raid to do it onyxia is now level 80
it used to be 60 but now it's 80 so you need a raid of 40 people at level 80
so the only way you can kill onyxia your self is if you cheated using a hack
bot to do 1000000(you can get banned for doing that!) damage per second
cheat than your going to need to get a raid(your going to do something with
the raid)after the raid don't exit the raid just go to where onyxia's lair is and
go kill her (i really love dragons even onyxia so much i can't watch people kill
her) and there you go have fun slaying onyxia's. I may be a kid but that doesn't mean i don't know anything(i'm 10 years old).
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All I'm saying is to ask your guild (if they are cool and dont mind, and are lvl 75+) to take you and kill her, but.... I thought you NEEDED to be lvl 80 lol!
in 2009, 58! you retards out there just kill me.
13 percent of 58 = 7.5413% of 58= 13% * 58= 0.13 * 58= 7.54
35% of 58= 35% * 58= 0.35 * 58= 20.3
11:58 am11:58 am11:58 am11:58 am
122+58+58 is equal to 238.
From skinning Onyxia you get a scale that you can make a cloak out of.
Both 10 and 25 man.
Sorry I don't understand your question what do you mean levl 21bin weeivls?
Dateline NBC - 1992 Kill and Kill Again 11-58 was released on: USA: 21 June 2002
level 40
Level 30.
he is very strong levl 48
Molten Core and Onyxia's Lair were introduced with the game itself, and were the first level 60 raid instances available. This means they have been around since early 2004.
Onyxia is a dragon in World of Warcraft. In early 2006, a group of players called "Wipe Club" recorded their ventrilo conversation while fighting it. A youtube video was made of it, and it became a small meme.
Level 20
Levl 17