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In simple terms, it doesn't matter. x<6 is the same as 6>x.

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Q: How do you know if the number or the symbol comes first in an inequality?
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How is graphing a linear inequality on a coordinate plane different from graphing an inequality on a number line?

The first is 2-dimensional, the second is 1-dimensional.

Does the x axis number or the y axis number come first in an ordered pair?

The x number comes first.

Why does the inequality symbol need to be reversed when multiplying or by a negative number?

Use two arbitrary numbers represented by the letters A and B. Now divide the question into a few cases. Case 1. A &lt; B and both are positive. Take any A and B and put them on your number line. Now look at the opposite of B which is -B and notice it will be farther to the left than -A which is the opposite of A. So we have -B&lt;-A which we can written as -A&gt;-B. So for the first case, we see why we reverse the inequality symbol. Case 2. Now look at A&lt;B where both are negative. The exact same thing that happens in case 1 above, happens in this case. Try two number, say -2 and -1. Case 3. Now say A is negative and B is positive. The other way around is the same thing. So Since A is negative, its opposite is positive and the opposite of B is negative. Any negative number is smaller than a positive number. So once again, we reverse the inequality symbol. Try all three of these cases with some positive and negative number and a number line and you will see how this works, then generalize to A and B where they are arbitrary numbers. This is the way mathematician often prove things. They first use numbers and then generalize.

Which mathematicians first used the symbol pi and why?

Any mathematician will use the number pi (and its symbol) sooner or later - it is a number used extensively in many different areas of mathematics.

Does it matter what number comes first in multiplication?

kaitlyn11ann!=) &lt;3

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When graphing a linear inequality the first step is to replace the inequality symbol with what sign?

With the equal sign (=).

What is A mathematical sentence which contains an inequality symbol and one variable raised to the first power is called a?

It is a linear inequality.

What goes first in a triganometry problem the degrees or the number?

For angle measurements, the degree symbol comes after the number: like 30&Acirc;&deg;, 45&Acirc;&deg;, 90&Acirc;&deg;, etc.

Where does the chemical symbol of helium come from?

The chemical symbol for helium, He, comes from the word &quot;helios,&quot; which is Greek for the sun. Helium was first discovered in the spectrum of the sun before it was found on Earth.

What is the symbolic number of numerals?

The symbol for the number of rational numbers is Aleph-Null (Aleph being the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet - in fact that is where the word "alphabet" comes from!) The symbol for the number of real numbers is C (standing for continuum).

Which symbol comes first in a chemical formula?

This depends on the type of compound. For metallic compounds, the metal comes first. For nonmetallic inorganic compounds the more electropositive element comes first. For MOST organic compounds, carbon comes first.

How is graphing an inequality on a number line different from graphing an inequality on a coordinate plane?

The first is 2-dimensional, the second is 1-dimensional.

Why is helium's symbol He and not H?

Helium's symbol is He because it is unique and distinct from hydrogen, which has the symbol H. Each element has a unique symbol to avoid confusion in chemical formulas and equations.

How is graphing a linear inequality on a coordinate plane different from graphing an inequality on a number line?

The first is 2-dimensional, the second is 1-dimensional.

What is neon's symbol origin?

The symbol for neon comes from the first two letters of the element Neon.

Where does the symbol for xenon come from?

The symbol (Xe) for xenon comes from the first two letters of the name of the element.