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-- A single equation with more than one variable in it has infinitely many solutions.

-- An equation where the variable drops out has infinitely many solutions.

Like for example

x2 + 4x -3 = 0.5 (2x2 + 8x - 6)

As mean and ugly as that thing appears at first, you only have to massage it

around for a few seconds to get

-3 = -3

and that's true no matter what 'x' is. So any value for 'x' is a solution to the

equation, which means there are an infinite number of them.

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Q: How do you know when a equation has an infinte number of solutions?
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How do you know when an equation has an infinite amount of solutions?

If the equation is an identity.

How do you know if a quadratic equation will have whether or not it will have solutions?

Factorise it!

How can you tell when an equation in one variable has infinitely many solutions or no solutions?

There is no simple method. The answer depends partly on the variable's domain. For example, 2x = 3 has no solution is x must be an integer, or y^2 = -9 has no solution if y must be a real number but if it can be a complex number, it has 2 solutions.

How do you know if a series converges by the intergral test?

When you take the integral using the series as integrand, it converges if the integral worked out to be a number. If it's infinte, the series diverge.

How do you know when an Equation has an infinity solutions without solving the equation?

You can't really know that in all cases. But with some practice in working with equations, you'll start to notice certain patterns. For example, you'll know that certain functions are periodic, and that an equation such as: sin(x) = 0 have infinitely many solutions, due to the periodicity of the function. This one is easy; we can make some small changes: sin(2x + 3) = 0.5 Here it isn't as easy to guess the exact solutions of the equation, but due to our knowledge of the periodicity of the sine function, we can assume that it has infinitely many solutions. Another example: a single equation with two or more variables normally has infinitely many solutions, for example: y = 3x + 2

Related questions

How do you know when an equation has an infinite amount of solutions?

If the equation is an identity.

How do you know if a quadratic equation will have whether or not it will have solutions?

Factorise it!

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We may never know.

How do you identify solutions to equations?

You'll know that you've found the equation's solutions when you end up with an expression in the form of x=N. Where x is what you're trying to find solutions to and N is either a number or an expression not dependent on x.

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Finite. It's not impossible to count it, but improbable to know its cardinality.

How can you tell when an equation in one variable has infinitely many solutions or no solutions?

There is no simple method. The answer depends partly on the variable's domain. For example, 2x = 3 has no solution is x must be an integer, or y^2 = -9 has no solution if y must be a real number but if it can be a complex number, it has 2 solutions.

How would you know that your equation has no solutions without actually solving it?

It really depends on the type of equation. Sometimes you can know, from experience with similar equations. But in many cases, you have to actually do the work of trying to solve the equation.

How do you know when an equation has infinitely many solutions?

When trying to solve an equation and you end up with the exact same number on both sides , like 10=10 then the equation has infinitely many solutions. If you end up with 2 different number on both side of the equation, like 3=5 then the equation has no solution. If there is a variable on one side and a number on the other, then there is one solution, e.g. x=4. In the equation 10=10 there is no variable such as x or y that we are trying to find the solution for. The equation x=x might be said to have an infinite number of solutions, because you can choose any value you like for x. More often you would say that "x is indeterminate". So if your equation always turns out to be satisfied for any x you choose, then there is an infinity of solutions and the equation does not represent anything useful. Or, for example, it may have a result such as "true for all even numbers", and you may not be aware in advance that this might happen. Or another example might be sin(x)=0 which has solutions for all values for those x which are integer multiples of 180 degrees. The only way is to solve the equation and see what appears.

How do you know if a series converges by the intergral test?

When you take the integral using the series as integrand, it converges if the integral worked out to be a number. If it's infinte, the series diverge.

How do you know when an Equation has an infinity solutions without solving the equation?

You can't really know that in all cases. But with some practice in working with equations, you'll start to notice certain patterns. For example, you'll know that certain functions are periodic, and that an equation such as: sin(x) = 0 have infinitely many solutions, due to the periodicity of the function. This one is easy; we can make some small changes: sin(2x + 3) = 0.5 Here it isn't as easy to guess the exact solutions of the equation, but due to our knowledge of the periodicity of the sine function, we can assume that it has infinitely many solutions. Another example: a single equation with two or more variables normally has infinitely many solutions, for example: y = 3x + 2

What is the a possible equation for 212?

I assume you want an equation with a solution of 212. Just write: x = 212 If you want something more fancy, do something to both sides of the equation - this is basically the opposite of what you do to solve an equation. For example, you can multiply both sides of the equation by some number (the same on both sides, of course), add the same number to both sides, square both sides (note that this will most likely add additional solutions, that are not solutions to the original equation), etc. If you already know a bit about more advanced math, you can take logs or antilogs on both sides, take sines or inverse sines on both sides, etc. (this, too, may introduce additional solutions).

If you are looking a graph of an quadratic equation how do you know where the solutions are?

They will be on the horizontal x axis of the graph (look for the x-intercepts).