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Okay so here is an example:

0.25 x 0.30

You move the decimal out from 0.25 towards to the right and you count how many spaces you have to move it. In this case, it's twice. The same goes for 0.30. You count how many times it moves to the right and then you just do 25 x 30 because you've gotten rid of the decimal. Now the answer to 25 x 30 is 750. You then move the decimals back in after you've found the answer. Since you had to move the decimal to two places to te right both times, you add that together to get four so you move the decimal back in, but move it four spaces to the left. Now the answer is 0.0750.

Do you get it or is my explainaton a bit confusing? Sorry if it is, I'm not very good at explaining things


Multiply the numbers as if there were no decimals;

then count the decimal places from the right in

each number, adding them to the answer.

Ex: 4.01 x 2.02 = 8.1002

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Q: How do you know where the decimal point is located in the answer to a multiplication problem with decimals?
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How do you answer a division problem using whole whole numbers and a decimals?

When it tells you to divide by a certain decimal it really will return an answer bigger than the number you started with because it is like multiplication.

What is 45 percent of 49?

To find 45% of 49, just multiply 49 by .45, which is the decimal form of 45%. Using the standard algorithm of multiplication, 49 x 0.45 = 245 + 1760 = 2005 <-- put in the two decimals in the multiplication problem, and you get 20.05. So, 45% of 49 is 20.05.

How do you multipy decimals?

Put the number one above another like you are doing a multiplication problem without decimals. Don't try to line the numbers up by the decimals. Multiply like you would normally. When you have your multiplication answer, then you count the number of decimal places in the original and put a decimal point that many in from the end of the answer. 1.2 x .27 -------- 84 +240 ------- 324 Notice that I've ignored the decimal places so far. The next step is to count them in the original numbers. There's one decimal place in 1.2 and two in .27 so there is a total of three decimal places in the original numbers, so I take my answer and put the decimal point 3 spaces in from the right 324 --> .324 , so .324 would be the answer to this example.

What is the second number in multiplication problem?

multiplicand x multiplier = product. Multiplier is the answer.

What is 5.5 x 7.3?

40.15 Do the multiplication of the numbers without the decimals (55 x 73), and then move the decimals to the left by the total number of decimal places found in the original problem (5.5 = 1 place, 7.3 = 1 55 x 73 = 4015...moved 2 places to get 40.15).

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How do you answer a division problem using whole whole numbers and a decimals?

When it tells you to divide by a certain decimal it really will return an answer bigger than the number you started with because it is like multiplication.

Do you have to line up the decimal?

in a multiplication problem, you don't have to. in addition & subtraction, you do

What is 45 percent of 49?

To find 45% of 49, just multiply 49 by .45, which is the decimal form of 45%. Using the standard algorithm of multiplication, 49 x 0.45 = 245 + 1760 = 2005 <-- put in the two decimals in the multiplication problem, and you get 20.05. So, 45% of 49 is 20.05.

How do you multipy decimals?

Put the number one above another like you are doing a multiplication problem without decimals. Don't try to line the numbers up by the decimals. Multiply like you would normally. When you have your multiplication answer, then you count the number of decimal places in the original and put a decimal point that many in from the end of the answer. 1.2 x .27 -------- 84 +240 ------- 324 Notice that I've ignored the decimal places so far. The next step is to count them in the original numbers. There's one decimal place in 1.2 and two in .27 so there is a total of three decimal places in the original numbers, so I take my answer and put the decimal point 3 spaces in from the right 324 --> .324 , so .324 would be the answer to this example.

What is the second number in multiplication problem?

multiplicand x multiplier = product. Multiplier is the answer.

What is 5.5 x 7.3?

40.15 Do the multiplication of the numbers without the decimals (55 x 73), and then move the decimals to the left by the total number of decimal places found in the original problem (5.5 = 1 place, 7.3 = 1 55 x 73 = 4015...moved 2 places to get 40.15).

Where do you put the decimal in the answer when you are multiplying decimals?

Lets say that u r doing the problem. 5.2 x 2.1 there are altogether 2 numbers to the right of the decimal, so you take out the decimals, multiply, and add the decimal 2 numbers to the left.

Need example how to work out problem of what are 2 decimals that are equivalent to given decimal 5.300?

They are: 5.3 and 5.30

What is a multiplication problem in which the product has two Decimal places?

2.4 x 8.6

I need help with decimals 2.1 x 5.01?

A simple trick with multiplying decimal numbers is to remove the decimals, multiply the two numbers, then add the decimals back in. The number of decimals you add back in is the total number of decimal places. For example, the stated problem has 1 decimal places in 2.1 and 2 decimal places in 5.01. So first we do the following: 21x501=10521 Now we add 1+2=3 decimal places into the result above: 10.521 That's the answer.

Why would it make sense to use multiplication on fraction and decimal problems?

When a problem asks, for example, for 2/5 of 100, this can be stated as 2/5 times 100. The situation is similar if you use decimals instead of fractions. 0.15 of 100 is the same as 0.15 x 100.

What do you call an answer to a multiplication problem?

A product is an answer to a multiplication problem.