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Q: How do you know which variable go on which axis on a graph?
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On a graph where does the independent variable go?

Usually on the horizontal axis.

Where does the manipulated variable go on a graph?

The manipulated variable, also known as the independent variable, is typically plotted along the x-axis of a graph. This variable is controlled by the experimenter and is used to observe its effect on the responding variable, which is usually plotted on the y-axis.

Where does the independent data go on a graph?

The independent variable goes on the x-axis while the dependent variable goes on the y-axis. :)

Where does the independent variable go a graph?

In principle, wherever you want. However, it is customary to place the independent variable on the horizontal axis, and the dependent variable on the vertical axis.

What graph axis does each variable from above go on?

The independent variable typically goes on the x-axis, and the dependent variable goes on the y-axis.

Which edge of a graph does the manipulated variable go on?

The manipulated variable typically goes on the independent variable axis of a graph. This is because the manipulated variable is the one that is controlled or changed by the experimenter to observe its effect on the dependent variable.

What goes on the x axis of a graph?

Any variable that you like. If you have one independent variable and one dependent, then by convention, the independent one would go on the x-axis.

What axis does temperature go on?

Whichever axis you like. To some extent it depends on whether temperature is the independent or the dependent variable. If the graph is of the temperature of some food when it has been in an over for different lengths of time, then the independent variable is the time and the temperature should be on the vertical axis. However, if the graph is of the temperature of the same food and the number of bacteria present in it, then the temperature is the independent variable and should be on the horizontal axis.

Where does the dependent variable always go on the graph?

dependent variable always go on y.axis on the graph.

Which axis does the dependent variable go on?

the y-axis is the dependent variable and the x-axis is the independent variable.

If you have a graph on which forearm length and height are on the Y and X axis which variable should go on which axis?

Forearm length should be on the Y-axis and height should be on the X-axis. This is because height is typically considered the independent variable, which is plotted on the X-axis, while forearm length is the dependent variable, which is plotted on the Y-axis.

What axis does the independent variable go on?
