

What goes on the x axis of a graph?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Any variable that you like. If you have one independent variable and one dependent, then by convention, the independent one would go on the x-axis.

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Q: What goes on the x axis of a graph?
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the independent variable goes on the x-axis the dependent goes on the y-axis

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Usually the x-axis of a bar graph shows a control range, and is plotted on the bottom of the graph. Time is a common x-axis example.

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X-Axis goes from left to right on a graph.

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The horizonal axis (x)

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The independent variable goes on the x-axis and the dependent variable goes on the y-axis.

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the x and y is the name of the axis, you need to label the axis on a graph as X and Y.X is the the line that goes horizontally and y is the one that goes in a portrait way.the way to remember is .if you cross your hand to make the X letter one hand goes across the other therefore the axis x is the line that is going across.

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The x axis is horizontal; the y axis is vertical

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You can determine which variable that goes on the x axis on a line graph by checking the number that comes first in a set of pair or from table, e.g [2,4]. 2 will be on the x axis because it is the first number in the pair

Where is x axis and y axis on a graph?

The y axis is going up on the graph and the x axis is going sideways on the graph

How do you fined the x and y intercepts and use them to graph each line?

Do you mean the axis? The y axis goes up and down while the x axis goes left and right.