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We learn through experience

We learn things through our parents, they guide us till we mature and we can learn things through experience and what we learned from our elders.

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Q: How do you learn things?
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They learn by doing my friend.

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Anything that you learn helps you to learn other things better! When you memorize poetry, you learn how to memorize, and that does help you memorize other things better.

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Studying is required to learn a lot of things. If we don't study, we can't learn those things.

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What are some important things you learn as a child?

How many do you need? I'll give you a ton... how to walk, how to talk, how to eat, how to write ect. A lot of things. In my opinion, a child learns these important things: they learn about their Creator, God. They learn how to treat others and how to take care of themselves. They learn different things depending on their education, and they learn to respect their parents and elders.

What are some interesting things to learn about?

ooo things that you like to do