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Try shape-smoothing underwear, or corsetry. (Both have a semi-permanent effect on the body, so even when removed you don't automatically return to your normal shape immediately. Corsetry are more effective than shape-smoothing underwear- if worn over a long time the results can become permanent).

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Q: How do you loose 1 inch around waste in 1 week?
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When is waste week?

Waste week this year is on 11-17 of March

How many inches would you loose around the stoumach if you played badmiton for two months 1ce a week for a week?

It just as good or better then Jenny Craig.

If you eat 2000 calories in a week can you loose an inch off you waist?

Do not eat less than 1500 calories a day. You will deprive your body of the things it needs to thrive. A better way to lose an inch off your waist is to workout and watch what you are eating.

How much weight does the Atkins diet take off per week?

If you really stick to it, and gym. You will loose Around 3 kgs the first week, then after that, 1-2 kgs a week. And then it slows down more and more.

How much evaporation is normal during sunny week for above ground pool that is 4' deep and loses NO water due to splashing?

We are losing about 1 inch per day in ours, but the temp is around 90 I think an inch a week is more normal. At an inch a day there may be a small leak in the liner

How tall can you get in a week?

5 inch

How many lbs can you lose a week with insanity?

Males generally loose anywhere from 8-21 pounds durning the first week know as hell week. Woman on avergae loose about 9-10 pounds if they are not bleeding from their vagina. If they are they may loose and additional pound.

How much fat can you loose in a week?

it depends on how much you eat and exercise if you eat chicken wings all week and dont exercise your going to gain but if you eat salad and exercise all week you can loose about 5 to 15

How much waste is recycled every week?

a lot

How many kilowatts do you waste in one week?

about 18

How many calories should you eat if you are 4'11 and weigh 140lbs?

I would say somewhere around 1,200 if you want to loose roughly 2 pounds a week :)

Can you grow an inch of hair in a week?

You can grow probably more than an inch if you total up the lengths that each of your hairs grow. A single hair, growing an inch in a week, would not be realistic for a human, though.