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To lose 25 pounds in five weeks, one should lose five pounds a week. This is equivalent to losing 0.71 pounds a day.

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Q: How do you lose 25 pounds in five weeks?
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How much weight can you lose in 11 weeks?

About 25-30 pounds

How much weight will you lose if you follow the lo w calorie 2468 diet for 3 weeks?

Within each cycle(cycle being four days) you lose at the least 3-5 pounds. About five cylces are in 3 weeks. So you could lose up to 15-25 pounds. It all depends on how much you weight and exercise!

How do you lose twenty-five pounds at the age of fourteen?

To lose 25 lbs. at this age, you should ask your physician. If you're not comfortable asking, then you can jog at least 2 miles each morning for at least 5 weeks. You can also work out at the gym.

How do you lose 25 pounds a day?

It is simply not possible to lose 25 pounds per day.

Can you lose 25 pounds in one night?

No, you cannot lose 25 pounds in one night. Unless you get liposuction or surgery at night and removed 25 pounds of your body.

How can a 4'11 25-year-old female lose 15 pounds in 2 weeks?

Not in a healthy manner, that's a pound a day! You didn't gain it in two weeks, don't expect to lose it in two weeks. A healthy diet and exercise is the safest route and should allow you to lose about 5 pounds in that time. You'd be amazed at how much of a difference that will make.

How much is 25 pounds worth of five pounds of coins?

25 Pounds.

With diet and regular exercise how long will it take to lose about 25 pounds?

There are many factors involved. First of all, are you 25 pounds overweight? If you aren't, it would be dangerous to loose that much. If you work a safe diet and exercise plan, you should be able to lose 25 pounds in about six months. That is a rate of 1 pound every week. You are likely to lose more the first couple of weeks.

What percentage of twenty pounds is five pounds?


Can you lose 25 pounds in 3 weeks the healthy way?

You can't, that rate is way too steep. For 3 weeks, 6-8 lbs would be a good and healthy result.

How many kilos in twenty five pounds?

There are approximately 11.34 kilograms in 25 pounds.

Twenty five kilo is how many pounds?

Twenty five kilograms is equivalent to 55.115 pounds.