

Best Answer

In Baseball, positions are designated as

1= pitcher

2 = catcher

3 = first base

4 = 2nd base

5 = 3rd base

6= shortstop

7 = left field

8 = center field

9 = right field

A 6-4-3 doubleplay is a ground ball to short, who throws to second for first out ,and second baseman throws to first for double play

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What is a 6-4-3- double play?

If the ball originated with the shortstop and was then thrown to the second baseman, the play is referred to as a "6-4-3 double play", after the numbers assigned to the players in order of field position.

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That's a double play. Shortstop to second to first.

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What is 6-4-3?

its a type of double play that goes from the short stop to the 2nd basemen to the 1st basemen

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The shortstop (6) throws to the second baseman (4), who steps on second base and then relays the ball to the first baseman (3).

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The shortstop (6).Then the second baseman (4), and finally the first baseman (3).

In baseball what is a 6 4 3?

A double play where the short stop fields the ball, throws to the second baseman. He touches second base or tags the runner and then throws to first. This is a double-play (2 outs), so sometimes you'll also see a "2" at the end of "6-4-3".