you can just hit the division sign to get a fraction
Exact same if there was no negative sign, the number is the number.
It's just a number divided by another number. To create a fraction on a calculator without a fraction button, you just divide the numerator by the denominator. For example, the fraction 4/9 is equivalent to 4 ÷ 9 on a calculator.
You convert the fraction do decimal exactly as you would a positive fraction. Then you stick a minus sign in front.
The easiest way to use a fraction on the TI-84 is to type it in like this: (1/2) for one half (3/4) for three fourths etc Use the division sign as the fraction bar, and put the whole fraction in parenthesis. Make sure you use the parenthesis, otherwise your answer will come out incorrect.
you can just hit the division sign to get a fraction
Exact same if there was no negative sign, the number is the number.
Why do you need a calculator?
It's just a number divided by another number. To create a fraction on a calculator without a fraction button, you just divide the numerator by the denominator. For example, the fraction 4/9 is equivalent to 4 ÷ 9 on a calculator.
You make the denominator of the fraction into 100 and then take the numerator and put a percent sign next to it. Now you have a percent.
You convert the fraction do decimal exactly as you would a positive fraction. Then you stick a minus sign in front.
That function depends on the calculator's capabilites. Some calculators do not show fractions. They only represent fractions as a decimal value (e.g. 50% is represented in the calculator as .5). If your calculator has a fraction function, you can enter 50% then press the fraction button & it will display 1/2 (which is the lowest fraction for 50%).
The easiest way to use a fraction on the TI-84 is to type it in like this: (1/2) for one half (3/4) for three fourths etc Use the division sign as the fraction bar, and put the whole fraction in parenthesis. Make sure you use the parenthesis, otherwise your answer will come out incorrect.
If I understand this right, you want to know how to convert a fraction into a decimal with the aid of a calculator. This is usually done by pressing the fraction button on your calculator which changes it from a fraction to a decimal and vice versa.
you use a back slash. (1/2)
Divide the numerator by the denominator.