That function depends on the calculator's capabilites. Some calculators do not show fractions. They only represent fractions as a decimal value (e.g. 50% is represented in the calculator as .5).
If your calculator has a fraction function, you can enter 50% then press the fraction button & it will display 1/2 (which is the lowest fraction for 50%).
By using a calculator:)
Decimal percentage, move the decimal point to the right two places, and then add a percentage sign; fraction into percentage, you can first turn the fraction into a decimal, and then turn the fraction into a percentage, or you can turn the fraction into a fraction whose denominator is 100, and directly rewrite it into a percentage!
How to turn 0.625 into a fraction
On normal calculator, press 'Off'. If your calculator doesn't have this button, the calculator will turn off automatically after some time. On scientific calculator, press 'shift' and press 'AC'. (depends on your version of the calculator)
53045, and then turn the calculator upside-down
Why do you need a calculator?
You should be familiar with long division involving decimals
That is impossible
0.75 = 3/4. You don't need a calculator for that!
you divide the numerator by the denominator
Divide it by 100
numerator (top) divided by the denominator (bottom)
Ask some one who knows
You can add fractions if you have a scientific calculator. All you have to do is press the b/c button. If you don't have one, you could always turn the fraction into a decimal.
long division then move the decimal point
x % = x/100...
By using a calculator:)