It is unlikely that you have a built in shortcut key.
However, if you are using Microsoft Word you can set up a custom hotkey. A square root sign has character code 221A - you can find it under Insert: Symbol. From there you can set a keyboard shortcut; I've just set mine to Ctrl + SQ, which works fine.
The standard shortcut key is "ALT"+ X
It is 221A + Alt X
It is a keyboard, not a keybored ! There is no square root button on a standard keyboard, but if you are bored, you can find out how to program a key and get one of the keys to be your square root key.
press alt and then v (at least it worked on mine)
It is 221A + Alt X
It is a keyboard, not a keybored ! There is no square root button on a standard keyboard, but if you are bored, you can find out how to program a key and get one of the keys to be your square root key.
press alt and then v (at least it worked on mine)
√3 Use the check mark. Alt or Option v on a Mac
There is no single square root button on a keyboard. You can sometimes get the square root symbol by holding down alt and pressing 2 then 5 then 1 (or alt + 251). If that doesn't work, you could copy and paste it. √ (that square root sign is from pressing alt + 251)
221A and then ALT-X.
It would be the square root key. (√) `it is not on the keyboard
mutiply8x8x3x3 answer 576 then square root it.
To type the square root symbol on ypur keyboard press and hold alt and type 251.
The square root of 64 is 8 and you can work it out using the square root algorithm.