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Q: How do you make a zero with a diagonal line through it on the keyboard?
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Draw a line through all sides of five boxes with out lifting your pen?

Start from bottom line move to right and go up the diagonal to the left then diagonal down left again then line to beginning of bottom the diagonal up right totop Right corner and then make top line across to the top left corner then diagonal right down so you have a houshe with an X in it.

Can you use a diagonal line to make a rectangle symmetrical?


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diagonal lines can either increase or decrease height or width depending on their angle. If the diagonal line is closer to vertical it adds height and decreases width. If the diagonal line is closer to horizontal, it adds width and decreases height.

What if a Pentagon is cut along a diagonal line what shapes does it make?

a semi circle

How do you make a rectangle with 2 triangles and two squares?

Draw a rectangle made with three squares. Then put a diagonal line through the center one. Tah-Dah

Correct formula in singe stroke 5 plus 5 plus 5 equals 550?

Put a diagonal line through the equals sign to make it "does not equal".

What pattern do square numbers make on the multiplication table?

The squares make a diagonal line.123456789101112112345678910111222468101214161820222433691215182124273033364481216202428323640444855101520253035404550556066121824303642485460667277142128354249566370778488162432404856647280889699182736455463728190991081010203040506070809010011012011112233445566778899110121132121224364860728496108120132144

How do you enter a diagonal line in a Microsoft Word table?

First create the table. Then select the cell or cells you want a diagonal line in. Choose the Borders and Shading option. In the borders there are various options for putting borders around the cells. There is also options for diagonal lines to go through the cells. If you click on one of those and click OK, you will get the diagonal lines you want.

Does seeing a diagonal line going up and to the right make you feel better than a line going down and to the right?


Does the letter z have rotational symmetry?

Yes z has rotational and line symmetryalso make sure it's = when you do line symmetryYes - halfway along the diagonal line.

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Please tell you what the secret is in bowiling?

You have to go to one side of the thing make a diagonal line an let go.