Draw a rectangle made with three squares. Then put a diagonal line through the center one. Tah-Dah
a symmetrical line.
You CAN'T calculate the perimeter of a rectangle, knowing only its diagonal. You do need some additional information about the rectangle - such as its width, or its length, or perhaps the length/width ratio.
right triangle ( triangles with a right angle)
That doesn't even make any sense !
If the 2 triangles are right triangles, which are congruent to slicing the rectangle on the diagonal, then arrange one on top of the rectangle, and the other to the side, so that the two hypotenuses are in line with each other. This will make a bigger right triangle, which is similar to the smaller right triangles - each side is double of the smaller triangles.
diagonal lines can either increase or decrease height or width depending on their angle. If the diagonal line is closer to vertical it adds height and decreases width. If the diagonal line is closer to horizontal, it adds width and decreases height.
a semi circle
The squares make a diagonal line.123456789101112112345678910111222468101214161820222433691215182124273033364481216202428323640444855101520253035404550556066121824303642485460667277142128354249566370778488162432404856647280889699182736455463728190991081010203040506070809010011012011112233445566778899110121132121224364860728496108120132144
Start from bottom line move to right and go up the diagonal to the left then diagonal down left again then line to beginning of bottom the diagonal up right totop Right corner and then make top line across to the top left corner then diagonal right down so you have a houshe with an X in it.
Yes z has rotational and line symmetryalso make sure it's = when you do line symmetryYes - halfway along the diagonal line.