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Make an hexahedron in the form of a triangular dipyramid. See link for images.

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Q: How do you make six squares with nine match sticks?
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you need 7 sticks so in your nine squares (on a workbench) you do three stick down both sides and one in the middle and there you have it LADDERS thx for reading =)

How do you make 7 squares by nine matches only moving 2?

you cant.

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7 squares is forty nine so you remove two toothpicks to make the digits 49

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Throw away two sticks

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I immediately understood this when I drew nine (flat) squares. Arranged into one big square, these one-square-foot squares make a total of nine square feet. Dividing by nine gives you the answer of 'one square yard' or 3' x 3', you see...

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take three match for each triangle

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How can you add five matches to six matches to make nine?

Answer: Mathematically, it is impossible to add five matches to six matches to result in nine matches.Logically, however, you can add five matches to six matches to make nine if one match is on fire, then you set that match on another match, and eventually both of those matches that were on fire burn themselves into ashes, leaving you with only nine unlit matches left.Answer: You lay out the 11 matches so they spell the word NINE.

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please tell me

How you tie fifty bulls in nine sticks?

not possible

One cloth with nine squares what is the denominator?

denominator: 9