-- An improper fraction is always equal to more than ' 1 '. -- 4/5 is less than ' 1 '. -- There's nothing you can do to 4/5 to make it an improper fraction.
4 as an improper fraction = 4/1
An improper fraction is a fraction whose size is greater than ' 1 '. The size of ' -0.6 ' is less than ' 1 ', so it doesn't have enough to it to make an improper fraction.
2 and 1/3 as an improper fraction is 7/3
43 is an integer, not an improper fraction nor a mixed number.
-- An improper fraction is always equal to more than ' 1 '. -- 4/5 is less than ' 1 '. -- There's nothing you can do to 4/5 to make it an improper fraction.
You don't. An improper fraction is greater than or equal to one. A proper fraction is less than one. Therefore, you can't just convert one into the other.
one and one-fourths is equal to five-fourths
4 as an improper fraction = 4/1
You can't convert a proper fraction to an improper or mixed fraction - it just doesn't make sense. By definition, a proper fraction is one that is less than one; a mixed fraction - as well as an improper fraction - is less than or equal to one.
The smallest improper fraction I could make would be called one plus one over infinity. Technically, the smallest improper fraction is indistinguishable from an integer.
There isn't one. You can only make an improper fraction from a mixed fraction, which a whole number with a fraction on its side
Any whole number can become an improper fraction by putting it over one. 9 = 9/1
it already is improper.
32 is an integer, not a fraction.
An improper fraction is a fraction whose size is greater than ' 1 '. The size of ' -0.6 ' is less than ' 1 ', so it doesn't have enough to it to make an improper fraction.
2 and 1/3 as an improper fraction is 7/3