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Q: How do you measure curved sounding pipes?
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What tool is used to measure curved surfaces?

Tape measure

What is the laboratory instrument used to measure curved lines?

A caliper or a micrometer is typically used to measure curved lines in a laboratory setting. These instruments provide precise measurements of the length or diameter of curved objects such as tubes or spherical surfaces.

What is the best sounding pipes for a Honda shadow?

Vance & Hines Straight Shots. Look great and sound great.

What are two instruments that could be used to measure curved lines?

Two instruments that could be used to measure curved lines are a flexible ruler and a caliper. A flexible ruler, also known as a contour gauge, can be molded to the shape of the curved line to measure its length accurately. A caliper, specifically a vernier caliper, can be used to measure the diameter or thickness of a curved object by gently gripping and measuring across the curve.

Explain Why is the surface of water in a graduated cylinder curved?

it is probably called figure it out, it is curved because glass is sticky. When you measure the volume from a graduated cylinder, measure at the bottom of it. It is called the meniscus.

What instrument measures curved lines?

the simplest way to measure the curved lines is by using a thread...........or cloth type tape

How do you use inside calipers?

to measure inside diameters of pipes

What is the function of inside caliper?

To measure ID of pipes and cylinders.

What were the important curved structures in the aqueduct?

Internally, they were the pipes, either made of ceramic or lead; externally they were the arches that supported an overland aqueduct.

How do you find an arc measure?

It depends on what measure you want: the angle subtended or the length of the curved segment, and also on what information you do have.

How do you measure ACR tubing?

As ACR tubing appears to be copper pipes, a tape measurer can be used to measure the length of tubing. A ruler can be used to measure the width and the bore of the pipes. If still not sure, take a small length of pipe to the supplier.

What is used to measure the chilled water volume inside pipes?
