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Q: How do you measure the angle of deflection of beta particles?
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Are beta particles positive or negative?

Beta particles can be either positive or negative. It depends if an electron or a positrion is emited. Usually though, beta particles are negative as it is much more common for an electron to be emitted (though that does depend on the substance).

Typical greek letter used in denoting a angle?

alpha, beta, and theta are commonly used for this.

How do you find the length of the arc if r equals 9.234 mm beta equals 5 pi over 4?

It depends on which angle beta is: the angle subtended by the arc at the centre of the circle (assuming that it is a circle and not an ellipse or some other shape), otr the angle subtended by the chord and one of the radii. Basically, there is not enough information provided in the question to give a sensible answer.

What does alpha mean in math?

Normally, alpha is used to represent an angle. Just like "x" is used to represent an unknown number or angle, alpha, theta, beta are used to represent unkown angles.

What is the approximate size of the smallest angle of a triangle whose sides are 4 5 and 8?

Why approximate? I will show you what you should know being in the trig section. Law of cosines. Degree mode!! a = 4 (angle opposite = alpha) b = 5 ( angle opposite = beta) c = 8 ( angle opposite = gamma ) a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2bc cos(alpha) 4^2 = 5^2 + 8^2 - 2(5)(8) cos(alpha) 16 = 89 - 80 cos(alpha) -73 = -80 cos(alpha) 0.9125 = cos(alpha) arcos(0.9125) = alpha alpha = 24.15 degrees ------------------------------ b^2 = a^2 + c^2 - 2bc cos(beta) 5^2 = 4^2 + 8^2 - 2(4)(8) cos(beta) 25 = 80 - 64 cos(beta) -55 = -64 cos(beta) 0.859375 = cos(beta) arcos(0.859375) = beta beta = 30.75 degrees --------------------------------- Now to find gamma, subtract from 180 degrees 180 - 24.15 - 30.75 = 125.1 degrees alpha = 24.15 degrees ( subject to rounding, but all add to 180 degrees ) beta = 30.75 degrees gamma = 125.1 degrees now you see the smallest, the angle opposite the a side, which is 4 ( be in degree mode!!)

Related questions

How do you do an experiment to investigate how magnetic flux affects the angle through which beta particles are deflected?

You need to have some method of measuring the angle, such as a 360 degree protractor; a hall probe; a way to remove radiation, such as some paper; beta radiation; and the current in the Helmholtz must be changed to vary the magnification field density. Be sure to repeat readings, calibrate the hall probe, keep the separation of the coils constant, and correct the deflection of beta radiation on the diagram.

What correctly describes the charge of beta particles and alpha particles?

Beta particles have a negative charge, while alpha particles have a positive charge. Beta particles are electrons or positrons, while alpha particles are helium nuclei consisting of two protons and two neutrons.

Can paper shield beta particles?

Beta particles are not stopped by a paper sheet.

How is beta detected?

Beta particles can be detected using instruments such as Geiger-Muller counters or scintillation detectors. These instruments can measure the ionizing radiation produced by beta particles as they interact with matter. The detection process involves counting the number of interactions to determine the presence and intensity of beta radiation.

What geiger counter measure?

A geiger counter measures radioactivity. It detects the emission of nuclear radiation from alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays.

What is a soft beta particle?

Low energy beta particles, say, from tritium, are called soft beta particles.

What is the charge of beta particles?

Beta Particles have a negative charge,In Beta decay a neutron changes into a proton and a beta particle, an electron.

How can you prevent beta particles?

Thin sheet or plastic may prevent beta particles.

What is the range of beta particles in the air?

The range of beta particles in the air is up to several hundred feet. Beta particles are emitted by specific types of radioactive nuclei. Potassium-40 is a type of radioactive nuclei that emits beta particles.

Can beta particles pass through aluminum?

Yes, beta particles can pass through aluminum. However, the thickness of the aluminum and the energy of the beta particles will determine how many particles can pass through. Thicker aluminum will block more beta particles compared to thinner aluminum.

What type of nuclear radiation can be blocked by a block of lead Beta particles or alpha particles?

Alpha particles can be blocked by a block of lead due to their relatively low penetrating power, while beta particles may require a thicker shield, such as a piece of aluminum or plastic, depending on their energy. Lead is not as effective at blocking beta particles as it is for alpha particles.

What will happen if you use beta particles on gold foil?

If beta particles are used on gold foil, they may interact with the gold atoms causing ionization and scattering of the beta particles. This interaction can lead to changes in the properties of the gold foil, such as altering its conductivity or creating defects in the crystal lattice.