First, unmix the numbers ((denominator times whole number plus numerator) over denominator).
Then multiply the numerators together and the denominators together. The numerator of the product is the product of the numerators of all of the multiplicands, and the denominator of the product is the product of the denominators of all of the multiplicands.
Third, simplify.
Factors. example: 2 x 2 = 4 there, 2 and 2 are the 2 numbers you multiply, factors are the numbers you multiply together. It can be more that 2 factors.
More than that. You need to multiply the whole number, the farctions AND cross multiply the whole numbers and the fractions. Then add together all the answers. Thus, 23/4 * 56/7 = 2*5 + (3/4*6/7) + 2*6/7 + 3/4*5 Actually, it is far simpler to convert the mixed fractions to improper (top heavy) fractions, and then multiply the numerators together to give the numerator of the answer and multiply the denominators together to give the denominators of the answer.
The 2 numbers that multiply together to equal 678 are 6 and 113.
-5 and 3
You can multiply any numbers together.
Factors. example: 2 x 2 = 4 there, 2 and 2 are the 2 numbers you multiply, factors are the numbers you multiply together. It can be more that 2 factors.
More than that. You need to multiply the whole number, the farctions AND cross multiply the whole numbers and the fractions. Then add together all the answers. Thus, 23/4 * 56/7 = 2*5 + (3/4*6/7) + 2*6/7 + 3/4*5 Actually, it is far simpler to convert the mixed fractions to improper (top heavy) fractions, and then multiply the numerators together to give the numerator of the answer and multiply the denominators together to give the denominators of the answer.
The 2 numbers that multiply together to equal 678 are 6 and 113.
turn fraction into a improper fraction
Two numbers that you can multiply together to get 72 are: 36 and 2.
-5 and 3
The question is misguided because, in fact, two mixed numbers can be added to equal 2. For example: 31/2 and (-11/2), when added together, give 2. There is no reason to restrict mixed numbers to positive mixed numbers!
288 x 2
The answer to a multiplication is called the product.