Actually you don't need to have a same denominator to multiply fractions. Just simply multiply across the numerators and the denominators. For example: 1/3 x 2/5= 1x2/3x5=2/15.
Multiply the first fraction by 10/10, then proceed.
divide 9 by 17, gives 0.5294
Multiply all the numerators together and then multiply all the denominators together
Multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second. That is, flip the second fraction over and then multiply the two.
For example: 2/3 multiplied by 7/1 KEYS: . Just multiply 1 by 7 and 3 by 1 . The Denominators do not need to be the same unlike subtraction and addition ANSWER: 14/3
Multiply the first fraction by 10/10, then proceed.
It is an improper fraction which can be converted into a whole number as for example 4/2 = 2
divide 9 by 17, gives 0.5294
Multiply all the numerators together and then multiply all the denominators together
Multiply the numerators together and then multiply the denominators together.
Multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second. That is, flip the second fraction over and then multiply the two.
For example: 2/3 multiplied by 7/1 KEYS: . Just multiply 1 by 7 and 3 by 1 . The Denominators do not need to be the same unlike subtraction and addition ANSWER: 14/3
unlike denominators: the bottom number of a fraction. to have unlike denominators you must have two fractions with a different number on the bottom of each fraction.
Unlike or dissimilar fraction.
You can multiply the numerator and the denominator of a fraction by any non-zero integer to get an equivalent fraction.
Multiply the numerator of one fraction to the other then multiply the denominator of one fraction to the other . Then reduce if possible.