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Q: How do you multiply add and divide in the same problem?
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Why does the denominator has to be the same?

it makes it eaiser to add subtract or divide or multiply

How can we determine what to do add subtract multiply or divide on word problem questions on whole numbers?

Word problems have key words, like sum, add, difference, subtract, product, multiply, quotient, divide.

When doing a math problem dividing how can you check your problem?

You can multiply the answer to see if it's right. same with multiplication, addition, and subtraction. Multiplication, you divide, to check addition, you subtract, and subtract, you add.

Four fundamental operation of math using problem solving?

add,subtact,multiply divide

Divide you by 3 or multiply you by 6 the answer will be the same what number are you?


How do you do the first in math skill set 4 game 2?

You have to make make 24 with the 3 numbers they gave you. Once you Add, Subtract, Multiply, or Divide, you click the answer of the problem's answer and you Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide by the number you have left.

If Add is to multiply as subtract is to?


How ADD is to MULTIPLY as SUBTRACT is to?


How do you multiply consecutive numbers?

you divide and divide again then multiply then add then subtract then finally get the root

How do you addsubtractmultiply and divide written in scientific notation?

First you have to set it to the same power of 10. Then it can easily be added or subtracted. To multiply, you just multiply the given values and add the exponent. To divide, you divide the numbers and subtract the exponent.

What can you do with integers?

you can add subtract multiply and divide them.

When your trying to find the mean do you add or multiply?

You add first and then divide