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Q: How do you multiply percent without a calculator?
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How do you get 30 percent of 250?

You multiply .30 by 250 on a calculator, the answer is 75.

How do you convert the fraction seventeen over twenty into a percent without using a calculator?

Multiply both numbers by five- to get the fraction 85/100... which is 85%

How do you calculate 3.5 percent of 10.13 using a calculator?

Multiply 10.13 by 0.035

How do you convert fractions to percent on a calculator?

Divide the denominator into the numerator. Multiply the answer by 100.

What is 249 out of 300 as a percent?

63 percent - without using a calculator !

How do you do percent of a number on a calculator?

Two choices: -- Multiply (the number) x (the percent using the percent % key). -- Multiply (the number) x (the percent), then divide the answer by 100. Either way, the claculator displays that many percent of that number.

What is 30 percent of 20 pounds?

% means divided by 100 'of' means multiply (30 / 100) * 20 = 6 pounds

How can you turn a decimal into a percent on the calculator?

Multiply it by 100 as for example 0.75*100 = 75%

What is 30 percent of 760?

228 - without a calculator !

How do you find 13 percent of 900?

Easiest way is to take a calculator and multiply 900 by .13 The result is 13% of 900. You can also multiply 900 by 13% directly if your calculator has that function.

How do you enter 100 percent in calculator?

100 percent is the same as 1. if you want 100 percent of a number then you might as well just multiply it by 1.

What is two percent of 15.50?

Multiply 15.50 by 0.02. I don't have a calculator, but do 15.50*0.02. This will give you the answer.