one hundred twenty-five thousand
five hundred thousand and twenty is 500,020
twenty-five thousand, five hundred.
Numerically it is written as: 4,000.95.
one thousand twenty and twenty-five hundredths is written 1,020.25
twenty five hundred thousand in number = 2,500,000
one hundred twenty-five thousand
five hundred thousand and twenty is 500,020
To write three hundred twenty-five thousand, you would start by writing the numerical digits for each place value: 3, 2, 5, and then add the corresponding words for each place value. In this case, it would be "three hundred twenty-five thousand." Make sure to include hyphens between the words "twenty" and "five" to properly represent the number.
1500 or sometimes it is written as 1,500.
Twenty- five thousand
Twenty-five thousand, sixty-five.