

Best Answer

Hun i totaly know how your feeling. I had to ask my boyfriend a question to do with my situation. He lives with his dad and i llive with my mum so i asked him the question "do you like living with your dad?" and he replied and we started talking about our personal issues and he opened up to me! Hope it works and if it doesnt the first time keep trying! Trust me it works but start with something small that they dont mind talking about then the big stuff!

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Q: How do you open up with your boyfriend?
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just state how you feel, open up your heart!

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You always get shy around your boyfriend?

It means you like him, but if he's your boyfriend then you should open up to him more.Open up to him...tell him that your shy and both of you can work TOGETHER to make you more comfortable around him..if that means just hanging out and opening up or phisically taking things slow. The more you both open up the closer you will get which = you not being as shy!!! =)Miz Blonde

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Be honest with your boyfriend and tell him you were hurt bad in a past relationship and that it is had to really open up. You also need to let go of the past, not all men will hurt you. You need to stop thinking they are all the same.

When did justice first open?

When her and her boyfriend were ready.

Can my mom's boyfriend open my mail?

Not legally.

How open should a person be with a boyfriend as opposed to a husband?

depends on what kind of open your talking about