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The lowest numerator equals is first the second lowest numerator second and so on

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Q: How do you order the fraction from least to greatest with the same denominator?
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How do you order 2 or more fractions from least to greatest?

you can find the least common denominator and then order them.

What is the least common denominator for 5 over 14?

You need at least one more fraction in order to have a common denominator.

How would you order these fractions from least to greatest 2-12 7-12 8-12?

As they all have the same denominator (12) order them by the numerator in order from least to greatest.

How can you order fraction from least to greates?

If they all have a common denominator, then list them from lowest to highest numerator.

How do you find equivalent fractions with a common denominator and order from least to greatest?

to make your denominator common you have to times a number that equals the same

How do you write fraction from least to greastestlike3over4?

In order to write fractions from least to greatest you need more than one fraction!

How do you order ratios from least to greatest?

it's pretty easy you wold get a common denominator then do what you do with fractions

How do you order fractions in least to greatest?

You usually put the biggest denominator first. The bigger the number is the lower it means. So for EXAMPLE:20/30,15/30,6/10 . In least to greatest it would be the same order. In greatest to least it would be completely turned around

What is the greatest common denominator of 60?

In order to have a greatest common denominator, there has to be two numbers and they both have to be fractions. 60 has no greatest common denominator.

What is comparing and ordering fractions?

Ordering fractions is putting them in order, usually least to greatest, smallest to largest. In order to determine whether a fraction is larger or smaller than another one, it is necessary to compare them. This is done by determining a common denominator and comparing the numerators.

Find equivalent fractions with common denominator and order from least to greatest?

2/3, 1/2, 5/12

What is the least common denominator of 1 over 6?

At least another fraction is needed in order to find the LCD