The horizontal axis can be used with zero where the axes meet. usually the positive are to the right and negative to the left. but any axis can be used if defined as such.
The first.
Positive or Negative........I think...
Change it from positive to negative
It does not necessarily fall.
If the pressure is increasing then the slope is positive. If the pressure is decreasing then the slope is negative.
Quadrant I: x positive, y positive. Quadrant II: x negative, y positive. Quadrant III: x negative, y negative. Quadrant II: x positive, y negative.
to graph not only positive numbers, but negative ones as well
2nd - x is -, y is + 4th - x is +, y is -
Their first coordinates are positive and their second coordinates are negative.
Divide the graph into 4 parts and each part is a quadrant. Traditionally, we use the x and y axis to divide it. The portion of the graph with positive x and y coordinates is the first quadrant, The second has positive y values and negative x values, while the third quadrant has both negative x and negative y values. The last is the fourth quadrants which is below the first quadrant. It has positive x values and negative y values. If you made the origin, the point (0,0) the center of a clock, the first quadrant is between 3 and 12 and the second between 12 and 9, the third between 9 and 6 and the fourth between 12 and 3.
go into the negative quadrent and [lace the 2 two lines down and go to the positive quadrant and place it three lines in.
on a graph that goes up to 4 only, In what quadrant is (25, -18)?
The normal convention used in the Cartesian coordinate system is that everything above the x axis is positive and everything below the x axis is negative, and everything to the right of the y axis is positive, and everything to the left of the y axis is negative (the two axes are themselves neither positive nor negative, they represent zero). Since points on a graph are identified by an ordered number pair, giving first the value of x and then the value of y, there are two numbers; you can have two positive numbers, or you can have one positive and one negative number, or you can have two negative numbers. The point that you are graphing will be located in the appropriate quadrant of the graph. Two positives are in the upper right hand quadrant, two negatives are in the lower left hand quadrant, and a positive and a negative can be either the upper left hand quadrant or the lower right hand quadrant.
Quadrant II (Quadrant 2) is the region of the coordinate plane (xy-plane, a graph) that is above the x-axis and to the left of the y-axis. In this quadrant, all x values are positive and all y values are negative.
Quadrant 4 is completely shaded. In quadrant 4, y will always be less than 2x because y is negative and 2x is positive.
If the slope is negative, y decreases as x increases. The slope goes from top-left of the graph (Quadrant II) to the lower-right of the graph (Quadrant IV).