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['sine 'metu]

[s] as in "soft"

[i] as in Spanish "fin", Italian "finire", French "dire"

[n] as in "none"

[e] as in Spanish "dime", Italian "volere", French "été"

[m] as in "me"

[e] same as above

[t] as in Spanish "tiempo", Italian "vento", French "tu"

[u] as in Spanish "tú", Italian "venuto", French "nous"; more or less as in "boot" but shorter.

['] stressed syllable

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What does sine metu mean?

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In Irish it's: gan eagla / gan faitíos

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What is latin for you have to be fearless?

St. Jerome answered this question back in the 5th century when he translated the 23rd Psalm (22nd by his numbering) for the Vulgate Bible, which is still the standard Latin translation. He wrote non timebo malum.