

How do you prove the sine rule?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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11y ago

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Imagine a random triangle ABC. It will make it easier if you draw it with angle C at the top. The opposite side of angle A is labelled a, the opposite side of angle B is labelled b and the opposite side of angle C is labelled c. Draw the altitude (height) from angle C so that it is perpendicular (at 90 degrees) to side c.

Looking at this triangle, find expressions for the sines of angles A and B:

sinA = h/b

sinB = h/a

Rearrange these two equations in terms of h:

h = bsinA

h = asinB

As h = h, these equations can be set equal to each other and simplified to find the sine rule:

bsinA = asinB

sinA/a = sinB/b

If you expand on this way of working, you can also find that sinA/a = sinB/b = sinC/c. You have now proven the sine rule for all triangles!

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No. Sine rule (and cosine rule) apply to all triangles in Euclidean space (plane geometry). A simplification occurs when there is a right angle because the sine of the right angle is 1 and the cosine is 0. Thus you get Pythagoras theorem for right triangles.

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The sine rule is a comparison of ratios: (sin A)/a = (sin B)/b = (sin C)/c. The cosine rule looks similar to the theorem of Pythagoras: c2 = a2 + b2 - 2ab cos C.

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Use the sine rule to find the the length of third side. Sine rule: a/sinA = b/sinB = c/sinC

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The sine rule(also known as the "law of sines") is: a/sin A = b/sin B = c/sin C where the uppercase letters represent angles of a triangle and the lowercase letters represent the sides opposite the angles (side "a" is opposite angle "A", and so on.) Sine Ratio(for angles of right triangles): Sine of an angle = side opposite the angle/hypotenuse written as sin=opp/hyp.

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The answer depends on the information that you have: it could be the sine rule or the cosine rule.

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The result is a direct consequence of the sine rule.

How do you prove sin90equalsto 1?

Make a diagram. One way to define sine and cosine is with the unit circle - a circle with a radius of 1 unit. For any point on the circle, the sine is the y-component, while the cosine is the x-component.

How do you find the leg of a triangle with no right angles?

By using the Sine rule: a/sinA = b/sinB = c/sinC

What are the answers to the my maths sine rule questions?

There are several websites that will help you cheat on homework and study assignments. This site is not one of them.

What is sine equation?

the sine rule, angle (a) and opposite length is eaqual to angle (b) and opposite length. which are also equal to angle (c) and opposite length. Sin A = Sin B = Sin C ------- -------- ---------- a -------- b -------- c

Can the law of cosines be used to find a length or just angle?

Either.However, if you know two sides and the includedangle then the sine rule is simpler.

How do you work out missing angles in a triangle?

The 'best' conditions for doing this is when you have two angles... add them together and the difference between their total and 180 degrees is the magnitude of the remaining angle. Otherwise, if you have one angle and the lengths of two sides you can use the sine rule. This states that the length of each side, divided by the sine of the angle opposite it, is equal to the length of any other side, divided by the sine of the angle opposite it - or..... a/sin A = b/sin B = c/sin C Or, if you don't have a matching angle and side, you can use the cosine rule. This says that a2 = b2 + c2 - 2bc cosA Now you have an angle and the side opposite it, and you can use the sine rule above.