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The result is a direct consequence of the sine rule.

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Q: What theorem states that if three forces acting at a point they are in equilibrium then each force is proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two?
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What is the relationship between rolled distance and time taken?

If an object is rolling along a plane horizontal surface with no other forces acting on it, then rolled distance is directly proportional to the time taken.If an object is rolling along a plane horizontal surface with no other forces acting on it, then rolled distance is directly proportional to the time taken.If an object is rolling along a plane horizontal surface with no other forces acting on it, then rolled distance is directly proportional to the time taken.If an object is rolling along a plane horizontal surface with no other forces acting on it, then rolled distance is directly proportional to the time taken.

Is it possible that if equilibrium is established it is still equilibrium even if the ring move horizontally away from the force table?

yes. Equilibrium can either be static i.e no movement or dynamic i.e movement is allowed. The main determining factor for equilibrium is that all forces acting at a point or points add up to zero.

How we explain varignon's theorem and prove them?

The Principle of Moments, also known as Varignon's Theorem, states that the moment of any force is equal to the algebraic sum of the moments of the components of that force. It is a very important principle that is often used in conjunction with the Principle of Transmissibility in order to solve systems of forces that are acting upon and/or within a structure.Type your answer here...

How does acting have to do with math?

Well to be an actor you have to be good with acting singing and dancing so math does not have anything to with acting

If the velocity of a particle is nonzero can the particle's acceleration be zero?

yes. If the forces acting on the a moving particle are in equilibrium, (e.g. when a spherical object reaches terminal velocity (neglecting increased air resistance as it gets closer to the ground)) then the particle will be moving at a velocity, that is not 0, yet the velocity will remain constant, and the body will not accelerate or decelerate in any direction, and thus the acceleration is 0.

Related questions

What theorem states that if three forces acting at a point -they are in equilibrium-then each force is proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two?

The theorem you are referring to is the Law of Sines for forces. It states that in a system of forces in equilibrium, each force is proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two forces. Mathematically, this can be expressed as F1/sin(A) = F2/sin(B) = F3/sin(C), where F1, F2, and F3 are the magnitudes of the forces, and A, B, and C are the angles between the forces.

What are the conditions of lami's theorem?

Lami's theorem states that if three forces are in static equilibrium, then the magnitude of each force is proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two forces. Since the forces are in static equilibrium, they sum to zero. This means that if the force vectors are put end-to-end, they form a triangle. The "law of sines" applies to any triangle, and states that the length of each side is proportional to the sine of the opposite angle. Interpreting the sides as force vectors, we get a statement of Lami's theorem.

How force and displacement are directly proportional in SHM?

In simple harmonic motion (SHM), the force acting on an object is directly proportional to the displacement of the object from its equilibrium position. This relationship is described by Hooke's Law, which states that the force exerted by a spring is directly proportional to the displacement from its equilibrium position. As the object is displaced further from equilibrium, the force acting on it increases proportionally.

What is Lami's theorem?

Lami's theorem states that in a system of concurrent forces acting on an object in equilibrium, the ratio of each force to the sine of the angle between the other two forces is equal. This theorem is used to calculate unknown forces or angles in a system of forces.

What is the restoring force acting on a swing pendulum?

The restoring force acting on a swing pendulum is due to gravity pulling the pendulum back towards the equilibrium position. This force is proportional to the displacement of the pendulum from equilibrium, causing the pendulum to oscillate back and forth.

What requirement must be satisfied by a force acting on a particle in order for the particle to undergo simple harmonic motion?

The force acting on the particle must be directly proportional and opposite in direction to the displacement from the equilibrium position. This requirement ensures that the particle experiences a restoring force that brings it back towards the equilibrium position, allowing for simple harmonic motion to occur.

Is an object in equilibrium moving?

An object in equilibrium is not moving, as all the forces acting on the object are balanced. If the object were to be in motion, it would no longer be in equilibrium as there would be an unbalanced force acting on it.

At what angle is the resultant force acting?

The angle of the resultant force can be calculated using trigonometry principles such as the Pythagorean theorem and inverse trigonometric functions. Given the magnitudes of the two component forces, you can determine the angle using the formula: angle = arctan(opposite/adjacent). This will help you find the direction in which the resultant force is acting.

Can a body in equilibrium if it is in motion?

It can be in equilibrium if in constant motion (constant velocity) as no forces are acting on it (no acceleration)

Is equilibrium a force?

Equilibrium is not a force, it is a state in which all the forces acting on an object are balanced, resulting in no change in its motion. When an object is in equilibrium, the net force acting on it is zero.

What is a state in which all forces acting on an object are in balance?

That state is called equilibrium. In equilibrium, the net force acting on the object is zero, which means that all forces - including gravitational, frictional, and applied forces - are balanced.

How a body is said to be in equilibrium?

A body is mechanical equilibrium if the sum of the net forces acting upon it is zero.