A single trade discount is only one discount for example 30% a series would be a discount of 20/10/5. Do not add them together they have to be taken separately.
Describe the difference between a single trade discount versus and discount series and give an example
What is the difference between a single trade discount and trade discount series? In: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/FAQ/2547-72 [Edit categories]
half range--- 0 to x full range--- -x to x
The series reads like one gigantic book. To skip one would be like skipping 400 - 500 pages of the story. Each book is critical. Look on Amazon.com or Borders.com. The only one you'll have trouble finding separately is probably the 6th. Search until you find it.
A single trade discount is only one discount for example 30% a series would be a discount of 20/10/5. Do not add them together they have to be taken separately.
The difference between a separately excited DC generator and a Shunt DC generator is that for a separately excited Dc generator , the excitation field winding is supplied by an external source different from that supplying the armature while for shunt generator, the excitation field windind is connected in series with the armature and supplied by a single source.
Median is finding the middle number among a series. Whilst Mode is finding the middle among a catagorised series.
Finding Me the Series - 2012 The End 1-10 was released on: USA: 29 October 2012
Finding Me the Series - 2012 Not What I Was Expecting 1-7 was released on: USA: 5 September 2012
Scatter plot line graphs are used:In research to see trendsby Actuaries to predict insurance ratesby economist to predict the economyThe general idea is to derive a trend or general theme for a series of points of data.
Finding Me the Series - 2012 Tell It to Yourself 1-1 was released on: USA: 5 June 2012
Finding Me the Series - 2012 Is That Why You Came Back 1-3 was released on: USA: 3 July 2012
Finding Me the Series - 2012 What Do We Have Here Part 2 1-5 was released on: USA: 24 July 2012
Finding Me the Series - 2012 I Just Want to Be Around 1-8 was released on: USA: 18 September 2012