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Q: How do you read minus temperature?
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What is the temperature that Fahrenheit and Celsius thermometers would read as the same number?

At a temperature of -40 (minus forty) degrees, the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales read the same number.

What is the formula for change in temperature?

Change in temperature = New temperature minus Old temperature.

What is the temperature on Europa?

The surface temperature on Europa varies between minus 260 to minus 370 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 160 to minus 220 degrees Celsius).

When does Celsius and Fahrenheit have the same temperature?

When the temperature is minus 40.

Is minus fifty degree is temperature?

yes it is.

Can it be minus zero degrees?

No, temperature can't be minus zero degrees. Zero degrees is the coldest point on the temperature scale, and any negative value would indicate a temperature even colder than zero.

What do plus and minus temperature signify?

Its signifies that the temperature maybe high or low ..

What is Temperature at absolute zero?

-- Zero Kelvin-- minus 273.15 Celsius-- minus 459.7 Fahrenheit

Can a human live with the temperature on Jupiter?

Not without a lot of protection. The mean temperature at Jupiter's surface is listed as minus 110° C (minus 166° F).

What was Rhode Island's coldest temperature?

The coldest temperature was minus 28 degrees F.

What temperature is cooling minus 20 degrees or minus 70 degrees?

Cooling by 20 degrees would result in a temperature of -20 degrees. Cooling by 70 degrees would result in a temperature of -70 degrees.

Is minus 85 degrees low?

Yes. Any negative/minus Celsius or Fahrenheit temperature is low.