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yes it is.

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Q: Is minus fifty degree is temperature?
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If you have a fifty degree temperature and a twenty degree temperature moving together what would be the end temp?

35 degrees

What temperature at which a substance changes from solid to liquid is the what?

water into ice at minus 0 degree c

What is twelve minus fifty-one?

12 minus 51 is -39.

Is minus 15 degree c colder than minus 20 degree c?

Yes, -20°C is colder than -15°C. The larger the negative value, the colder the temperature.

How accurate is an automobile outside temperature gauge?

The outside temperature gauge on a vehicle is extremely accurate. It generally has a deviation of about 1 degree plus or minus.

What is fifty minus twenty equal?

The answer two 50 minus 20 is 30.

What is five hundred two minus fifty?

502 minus 50 is 452.

What is fifty five minus thirty?


What is fifty minus twenty-seven?

Fifty minus twenty-seven is 23 (50-27= 23) In Elementary School it would be a U or F.

What is the temperature like in Canada?

It ranges on average from minus thirty degrees Celsius to plus twenty-five degrees Celsius. One time at the Edmonton international airport it reached a record of minus fifty-two degrees Celsius!

What is sixty three minus fifty nine?


What is fifty less than one hundred?

fifty less than one hundred is fifty! just minus 50 from 100!